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Cathay Pacific Sponsors Exchange Programme for Low-Income Youngsters

organise the first ever “Cathay Pacific Airways Beijing-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Programme”.

This initiative targets outstanding young people coming from low-income families who cannot afford to realise their dreams of going abroad for an exchange programme. Cathay Pacific Airways and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups will fully sponsor all programme expenses, including round-trip tickets, accommodation, boarding, transportation, training and insurance etc., for the selected 30 of these youngsters. Participants need not pay any fees except for their own personal expenses.

The theme for this first year of the exchange programme is “Aviation and Aerospace Technology”. Participants will visit Beijing’s aerospace and aviation facilities, join in discussion sessions with aerospace scientists and visit national aerospace ministries. They will also visit local schools and youth centres to meet other young people in Beijing. To get a glimpse of the centuries old Chinese culture, participants will visit Beijing’s historical and cultural sites.

Cathay Pacific Airways Beijing-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Programme will run bilaterally. In July, the programme will also organise a similar group of Beijing young people to pay a visit to Hong Kong.

Application forms and brochures have been sent to schools and youth centres in Hong Kong earlier this month. From now until 28 February, the programme is recruiting 30 young people who are aged between 13 and 17, receive recommendation from principals, teachers or social workers. The Beijing exchange trip will take place from April 13 to 19 for a total of 7 days.

“As Hong Kong’s airline, Cathay Pacific has always been committed to supporting the local community and youth.” Cathay Pacific General Manager Corporate Communication Alan Wong said. “Through this initiative, Cathay Pacific would like to enable less privileged but outstanding young people to travel, understand the cultural, social and economic facets of our motherland, and making friends with other young people in our nation’s capital.”

Interested parties can mail their applications to The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, G/F 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon on or before 28 February. For any inquiries, please call 2561 6149 or email ye@hkfyg.org.hk.